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Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana – Per Drop More Crop

BNE ADMIN , March 31, 2022
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A BNE Exclusive with Shri Triranga Bharatia Bora Director, Horticulture & F.P. Assam

 Under PMKSY, the creation of Micro water storage and the creation of micro-irrigation specially for Drip and Sprinklers will be done. Subsidy pattern of the scheme is 50:50 between Govt. and farmers. The scheme is implemented as per need-based for farmers who have opted to take Micro Irrigation.

Objectives of the Scheme

  • Promotion of micro-irrigation technologies in water-intensive/consuming Agriculture and Horticulture crops accept Areca nut and tobacco and give adequate focus to extend the coverage of field crops under micro technology technologies.
  • Generation of employment opportunities for skilled and unskilled persons, especially unemployed youth for installation and maintenance of micro irrigation systems.
  • Establish convergence and synergy with activities of on-going programmes and schemes, particularly with created water source for its potential use, integration of solar energy for pressurized irrigation etc.
  • Promotion, development, and dissemination of micro-irrigation technology for agriculture and horticulture development with modern scientific knowledge.
  • Potential use of micro irrigation systems for promoting fetigation.


The scheme has been implemented through an online portal in all districts. Farmers can directly or with the help of others can register themselves in the portal.

Financial Achievements 

Under this scheme, for the current FY, the Government of India has allocated Rs11790.29,  and under state share, Rs1310.03 has been allocated. The total fund released by State Govt,  Government of India, and state share amounts to be Rs7311.43. The aggregate fund utisilised by the implementing agency thus far is Rs4211.43.

Targets for the Financial Year 2022-23 under PMKSY –

Sl.NoComponentNo.of farmersPhysical (Area in Ha)Financial under PMKSYAdditional State Top-Up from CMSGUYTotal AssistanceFarmers Share
GOI shareState share
AMicro Irrigation Component (Both Agricultural and Horticultural Crops)
1.Drip Irrigation System444029781623.52180.52983.952787.86491.98
2.Sprinkler Irrigation System24025211303405.06378.342063.675847.071031.83
 Sub Total28465241085028.58558.733047.628634.931523.81


 All the beneficiaries are happy with the micro irrigation system installed under this scheme. Many farmers wanted to avail the MI system with an 85% subsidy. The farmers also demanded a 95% subsidy from the government and thus more farmers can avail the technologies for crop production.