PM SHRI Schools scheme to develop 14500 schools with investment of Rs 27360 crore.
The Centre has approved a new centrally sponsored scheme - PM SHRI Schools (PM Schools for Rising India for development of more than 14500 schools across the country with an total outlay of Rs 27360 crore which includes a central share of Rs 18128 crore for the period of five years from year 2022-23 to 2026-27.
PM SHRI Schools will showcase all components of the National Education Policy 2020, act as exemplar schools and also offer mentorship to other schools in their vicinity.
The PM SHRI schools will deliver quality teaching for the cognitive development of students and will strive to create and nurture holistic and well-rounded individuals equipped with key 21st century skills.
PM SHRI will provide high-quality education in an equitable, inclusive and joyful school environment that takes care of the diverse background, multilingual needs, and different academic abilities of children and makes them active participants in their own learning process as per the vision of NEP 2020, an official statement said.
PM SHRI Schools will provide leadership to other schools in their respective regions by providing mentorship.
The PM SHRI Schools will be developed as Green schools, incorporating environment friendly aspects like solar panels and LED lights, nutrition gardens with natural farming, waste management, plastic free, water conservation and harvesting, study of traditions/practices related to protection of environment, climate change related hackathon and awareness generation to adopt sustainable lifestyle.
Pedagogy adopted in these schools will be more experiential, holistic, integrated, play/toy-based (particularly, in the foundational years) inquiry-driven, discovery-oriented, learner-centred, discussion-based, flexible and enjoyable.
Focus will be on learning outcomes of every child in every grade. Assessment at all levels will be based on conceptual understanding and application of knowledge to real life situations and will be competency-based.
Further, the scheme envisages convergence with existing schemes /Panchayati Raj Institutions/ Urban Local bodies and community participation for infrastructure up gradation of the school and creation of facilities.
The scheme would be implemented through the existing administrative structure available for Samagra Shiksha, KVS & NVS. The other autonomous bodies would be involved on specific project basis as required.
These schools shall be monitored vigorously to assess progress and understand the challenges faced in implementation of National Education Policy 2020.
Selection of PM SHRI schools will be done through Challenge Mode wherein Schools compete for support to become exemplar schools. Schools would be required to self-apply on the online portal. The portal will be opened four times a year, once every quarter, for first two years of the scheme.
The Elementary schools (Class 1-5/1-8) & the Secondary/ Sr. Secondary Schools (Class1-10/1-12/6-10/6-12) managed by Centre/State/UT Governments / local self-governments having UDISE+ code would be considered for selection under the Scheme. Selection would be done through a three-stage process with definite time lines, which is as follows: -
More than 18 lakh students are expected to be direct beneficiaries of the scheme. Further impact will be generated through the mentoring and handholding of the schools in vicinity of PM SHRI schools.
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