New Delhi: Car market leader Maruti Suzuki India said it plans to increase its overall service network to 8,000 touchpoints by 2030-31, aiming to reach closer to its customers on Wednesday. The company which opened the 500th service touchpoint for its premium retail outlet NEXA Wednesday, currently has 5,240 touchpoints across NEXA and ARENA - the mass market retail chain.
"Our aim is to consistently deliver convenience and superior car ownership experience to our customers. One way is by reaching closer to our customers so that they have assurance of finding a Maruti Suzuki service touchpoint nearby," Maruti Suzuki India MD & CEO Hisashi Takeuchi said in a statement.
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He further said that Maruti Suzuki plans to increase its annual production and sales substantially. "We will simultaneously strengthen our service network. Our plan is to expand our service network, including ARENA and NEXA service touchpoints, from about 5,240 to 8,000 by FY 2030-31," the CEO added.
Maruti Suzuki Achieves 500 NEXA Service Touchpoints in Record Time
Maruti Suzuki opened its first NEXA service workshop in July 2017. Since then, it has steadily expanded the touchpoints and added 90 such NEXA service touchpoints in 2023-24 alone, the highest in a year. So far this fiscal, the company has already added 78 new NEXA service touchpoints. Maruti Suzuki achieved the 500th NEXA service touchpoint milestone in 7 years and 5 months.
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