Lower than the Reserve Bank of India’s expectations, India's GDP growth rose to 13.5 per cent in April-June from 4.1 per cent the previous quarter, data released on August 31 by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme showed.
The sharp uptick in growth was driven by a favourable base effect and the ongoing economic revival.
The Indian economy grew slower than anticipated in the last quarter, with economists predicting growth would come in at 15 per cent.
The growth rate is also lower than the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) forecast of 16.2 per cent.
However, at 13.5 per cent, the April-June GDP growth rate is the second-highest India has ever clocked, although comparable quarterly GDP data is available going back only to 2012.
Gross Value Added (GVA) grew by 12.7 per cent to Rs 34.41 lakh crore in April-June this year.
GVA growth in the farm sector is 4.5 per cent in the first quarter compared to 2.2 per cent a year ago. GVA growth in the manufacturing sector decelerated sharply to 4.8 per cent during the quarter. GVA growth in mining is 6.5 per cent in the quarter compared to 18 per cent. GVA in the construction sector also decelerated to 16.8 per cent in the quarter from 71.3 per cent.
The electricity, gas, water supply and other utility services segment grew by 14.7 per cent
GVA growth in the services sector - trade, hotel, transport, communication and services related to broadcasting, was 25.7 per cent. Financial, real estate and professional services grew by 9.2 per cent in the first quarter. Public administration, defence and other services posted 26.3 per cent growth.
The NSO stated that the Nominal GDP or GDP at Current Prices in Q1 2022-23 is estimated at Rs 64.95 lakh crore.
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