In a groundbreaking development for the nation’s technology sector, Dr. Ravi Kota, Chief Secretary, Assam, has unveiled a colossal ₹27,000 crore investment in a semiconductor project which will be laid on August 3rd in Jagiroad, Morigaon. arking the largest ever single investment in the semiconductor industry in the country. This ambitious venture is set to revolutionize the industry landscape, creating significant opportunities and advancements.
Speaking about the monumental project, Kota emphasized its far-reaching impacts: "This project will not only generate substantial employment but also benefit small industries. Additionally, over 1,000 employees from the TATA Group will be integrated into this new industry."
The initiative promises to be a boon for the economy, driving both innovation and job creation. The Chief Secretary also highlighted the project's role in advancing new technologies, noting, "The industry will focus on developing cutting-edge technologies such as electronic vehicle chips and advanced transistors."
This investment underscores the nation's commitment to leading in high-tech sectors and represents a pivotal moment for the semiconductor industry, positioning it at the forefront of technological advancements.