New Delhi: M K Stalin announced on Sunday that Tamil Nadu has attracted a Rs 400 crore investment from Ohmium International, Inc., a US-based company, to establish a manufacturing plant in the state. Stalin, along with Minister for Industries TRB Rajaa and senior government officials, attended the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between Ohmium and the state government for the upcoming project in Chengalpattu district.
Another day in San Francisco was filled with success. Stalin announced that we have received a Rs 400 crore investment from Ohmium in Chengalpattu district, leading to the creation of 500 jobs. The chief minister is currently in the United States to attract investments to Tamil Nadu.
The chief minister stated in a social media post that signing the MoU with Ohmium International is a major milestone in fostering green energy production and promoting a sustainable future. Ohmium International's website states that the company creates modular, scalable Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzers to facilitate cost-effective production of green hydrogen.
The company's range of electro-chemical products assist clients in reaching their sustainable energy objectives in a wide range of industrial transportation and energy initiatives. Ohmium International operates globally and has production plants located in India. The website reported that in 2023, the company secured USD 250 million in Series C funding, with TPG Rise Climate as the lead investor.