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UNDP to help MDoNER fast-track SDGs

BNE News Desk , August 23, 2023
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New Delhi: The Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (MDoNER) and UNDP have signed an MoU under which the latter would provide MDoNER with technical support on fast-tracking progress on the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

UNDP will also monitor and evaluate and help in capacity building, besides supporting aspirational districts and blocks and in the deployment of emerging technologies in governance and scaling up good practices.

The Minister of State, MDoNER, BL Verma said Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s main focus is development of social and infrastructure connectivity in the North East and hoped that UNDP would help the ministry in achieving this goal.  

“The Ministry of DoNER has taken remarkable strides across critical sectors such as infrastructure, connectivity, health, education, climate change and economic growth to transform the lives of the people in the region. In this journey, UNDP has been our key partner in promoting data-driven decision-making, especially through the North East Region District SDG Index,” he added.

The minister also pointed out that the NER district SDG Index helped in forming the flagship PM-DevINE scheme, which provides infrastructure and social development funding to boost livelihood opportunities in the region, especially for women and youth.
Ulrika Modéer, director of the UNDP Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy, appreciated the Centre’s efforts to fast-track the development of NER.

“UNDP is privileged to sign this MoU with the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region. We are committed to supporting national and sub-national efforts to accelerate progress on the goals by providing technical support on SDG localization and improved capacities towards implementation and monitoring of programmes,” she added.

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