Mumbai: On Wednesday, the Kerala government announced that the state expects to receive 2.2 crore domestic tourists and 8 lakh international tourists during this fiscal year. Kerala Tourism Secretary Biju K informed PTI that the state will prioritize heli tourism, caravan tourism, cruise tourism, biodiversity circuit, Malabar literary circuit, and medi tourism.
According to data from the Kerala Tourism Board, last year Kerala experienced a significant increase in domestic tourists, with 2.1 crore visitors, while the number of international travelers was 6.49 lakh. "We anticipate approximately 2.2 crore local tourists and 8 lakh international visitors for this year (FY25). Regarding local tourists, we have already surpassed the levels seen before the pandemic. We expect to surpass the 2019 level by 2026 in terms of foreign tourists," Biju stated.
In 2019, before the pandemic, the state saw the highest increase in domestic and overall tourist visits in 24 years, recording 1.95 crore visitors, with 11.89 lakh being international tourists. "There will be a shift away from just beaches, backwaters, and hill stations," said Kerala Tourism Minister PA Mohamed Riyas, adding that strategic steps are being taken to enhance Kerala's image as a welcoming destination for all seasons.
Biju also mentioned that for this fiscal year, the state government has allocated ₹351 crore for the tourism industry, with ₹138 crore earmarked for infrastructure improvement.
He highlighted that the government is running a program called 'Malinya Muktam Nava Keralam' in Kerala to improve waste management. When asked about the potential impact of the Wayanad landslide on tourism, Biju acknowledged some effects due to cancellations. "It has had a real impact on the bookings we had. Cancellations have occurred. Nevertheless, we have prepared campaigns focused on Wayanad, specifically encouraging individuals to return and have a good time." He further commented that they do not anticipate significant effects on tourism as they are actively addressing the issue.