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Centre issues new SoP for e-com jewellery exports via courier

BNE News Desk , June 13, 2022
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Guwahati: The finance ministry has issued a new SoP to facilitate e-commerce jewellery exports via courier, with the goal of providing a streamlined legal environment for makers and dealers who wish to export jewellery.

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has requested input and ideas from stakeholders by June 14 on the Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) for the implementation of a streamlined regulatory framework to enable the export of precious metal and counterfeit jewellery via e-commerce in courier mode.

The CBIC also intends to revise the Courier Imports and Exports (Electronic Declaration and Processing) Regulations, 2010, and associated forms, as well as issue a notification establishing requirements for the reimport of returned jewellery, and has solicited feedback from stakeholders on the matter.

In the 2022-23 Budget, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced the adoption of a streamlined regulatory framework to allow jewellery export via e-commerce.

Following that, stakeholder engagements were undertaken, including with the Express Industry Council of India (EICI), the Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), e-commerce operators, members of the trade, officers working in the Directorate General of Export Promotion, the Directorate General of Systems, and Customs field formations.

"According to the responses gathered during the aforementioned consultations, a simpler regulatory framework is necessary for e-commerce exports of jewellery via courier mode. This may be accomplished by implementing an SoP to bring uniformity and clarity to the process and actions to be taken to support such exports via International Courier Terminals (ICTs)" the CBIC stated, seeking feedback on the draught SoP.

"This SoP applies to the e-commerce export of precious metal jewellery (whether or not studded or set with precious or semi-precious stones) and imitation jewellery.  The SoP would first be deployed on ECCS (Express Cargo Clearance System) at ICT Mumbai, ICT Delhi, and ICT Jaipur "The CBIC further stated.

According to AMRG & Associates Senior Partner Rajat Mohan, exporting jewellery will bring foreign currency into the nation and increase the net discretionary income of Indian designers, artisans, and skilled workers.

"Integrating and facilitating jewellery export through e-commerce platforms will improve the livelihoods of millions of individuals involved in the industry," Mohan added.

According to the new guidelines, jewellery export through courier is only authorised if the full advance is received and images of the export jewellery, product package/outer covering, product listing on the e-commerce platform, and Hallmark certificate are uploaded to the customs system.

"Reimports of physically damaged or faulty jewellery sent by courier are authorised subject to a number of criteria designed to keep threat manufacturers at bay. Such limits are implemented to guarantee that the original consignee promptly returns initially supplied broken items to the original exporter "Mohan said.