Guwahati: Assam Finance Minister Ajanta Neog on Wednesday indicated that the state's latest budget is part of Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma's vision to transform Assam into a Rs 10 lakh crore ($120 billion) economy and "one of the five best states in the country."
Announcing the budget earlier this week, Neog revealed that the state's GDP at current prices for the year 2024-25 is expected to touch Rs. 6.43 lakh crore. The nominal GSDP for Assam at current prices for 2023-24 is likely to reach Rs. 5.70 lakh crore, as against Rs.4.93 lakh crore in 2022-23. The growth of the Assam economy, Neog has noted, is faster than the national average.
The minister responded strongly to criticism from the opposition that the budget was aimless and lacked innovation. Neog countered the criticism by claiming that the budget was realistic and had specific objectives.
"The budget has been prepared with full confidence and trust in the interests of the youth, women, and the underprivileged sections of the society", she said, before going on the describe it as a "dream."
The minister said public participation and transparency in the implementation of government schemes has increased significantly compared to the previous year.
The Finance Minister further said that the present government has tried to fulfill all the promises made to the people of Assam in the last three years and that is reflected in the performance of the government.
She also stressed the Assam government's resolve to increase government revenue to 16 percent over the current level.
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