New Delhi: Vanguard Group, a US financial services company, purchased shares of seven companies like Concord Biotech, Five-Star Business Finance, and Marksans Pharma for Rs 998 crore through open market transactions on Friday. Vanguard, along with its affiliates, bought stakes in seven companies through individual bulk transactions on the National Stock Exchange (NSE). Vanguard invested Rs 331 crore in Concord Biotech, Rs 304.74 crore in Five-Star Business Finance, Rs 158.39 crore in Marksans Pharma, and Rs 63.26 crore in Genus Power Infrastructure.
Furthermore, Vanguard purchased Sansera Engineering shares for Rs 53 crore, bought VA Tech Wabag shares for approximately Rs 47 crore, and acquired Arvind Fashions' shares for Rs 39.56 crore, according to NSE data. The stocks were sold within a price range of Rs 316.85 to Rs 2,596.08 per share, resulting in a total transaction value of Rs 997.75 crore. At the same time, UBS Group AG, a financial services company based in Zurich, sold stocks of Marksans Pharma, Five-Star Business Finance, Concord Biotech, and IIFL Securities for a total transaction amounting to Rs 479.77 crore.
The identities of purchasers of IIFL Securities stocks were not able to be determined. Marksans Pharma shares surged by 19.51 pc to reach Rs 327.97 each, Concord Biotech rose by 15.13pc to Rs 2,591, VA Tech Wabag increased by 6.29 pc to Rs 1,490, and Sansera Engineering shares went up by 5.62 pc to Rs 1,682.30 on the NSE. Additionally, Five-Star Business Finance saw a 5.22 per cent increase, closing at Rs 811 per share. Similarly, IIFL Securities experienced a 4.28 per cent gain, ending at Rs 330, while Genus Power Infrastructure shares rose by 2.75 per cent to Rs 419.80 apiece on the market.