Guwahati, a city renowned for its rich history and culture, recently hosted the eagerly anticipated "Utsav Fashion and Lifestyle Exhibition. The exhibition's 2023 edition, which featured designers and firms from all around India showcasing their most recent works, was a monument to the dynamic fashion scene. The event was held at Nandan Hotel, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati.
There was something for everyone in the display, from sophisticated couture to cutting-edge accessories. A wide variety of designs were presented to fashion fans. The exhibition honored lifestyle choices in addition to its focus on apparel. Exquisite jewelry, skincare products, home decor, and more were available for exploration by guests. The exhibition's emphasis on artisanal craftsmanship was one of its highlights. A large number of the items on exhibit were expertly made by talented craftspeople.
The blending of modern and ethnic designs reflected this idea of honoring heritage while welcoming modernity. Organizers Sweety Agarwal and Neha Agarwal told Business Northeast, "Utsav is basically a fashion and lifestyle exhibition. We have started this in 2018 and this is our 11th edition. The main motto of this exhibition is like that give a platform to women. They come and put this stuffs here and it sell it under one roof, whatever we want everything is there. The publicity is the biggest benefit for the people who are staying at home and coming to the public place and in a day, 300 people come and promote a brand."
Chief Guest Ruchi Bhardwaj Borah, currently working as Premium Nutrition and Fitness Consultant, FITTR said, "Its a beautiful graceful event and has a great impact. Its all about women empowerment and woman entrepreneurs being encouraged as most of them working from their home but work remains hidden. They are professional and at the same time very homely. It is their 11th edition. People of Guwahati look forward for this kind of event."
The "Utsav Fashion and Lifestyle Exhibition" in Guwahati brought together fashion, lifestyle, and culture into a one spectacular event, celebrating elegance and flair. We can only expect even more astounding feats of ingenuity and a bigger influence on India's fashion and lifestyle scene as we look ahead to future editions.
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