New Delhi: On-demand convenience platform Swiggy Ltd on Monday said it has expanded its 10-minute food delivery offering, Bolt, to over 400 cities and towns across India. Initially launched in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Mumbai, and Pune, Bolt is now active in cities like Jaipur, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, Indore, Coimbatore, and Kochi as well, Swiggy said in a statement.
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Swiggy has expanded the 10-minute food delivery service to Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities such as Roorkee, Guntur, Warangal, Patna, Jagtial, Solan, Nashik and Shillong among others, it added. Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have witnessed the highest adoption for Bolt followed by Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, West Bengal, Rajasthan and Punjab, it added.
Swiggy Optimizes Bolt Service For Faster Delivery With Focus On Quick-Prep Dishes
Swiggy said it is actively partnering with restaurants to optimise order prioritisation for Bolt orders that have food items with minimum or no preparation time. "To ensure safety of delivery partners, they are not informed of the distinction between Bolt and regular orders, and there is no incentive for fast delivery. The delivery radius for Bolt is limited to 2 km as of now which also increases familiarity and enables faster delivery," the company said.
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Additionally, the speed of delivery is optimised by prioritising delivery executives closest to Bolt outlets, it added. Designed for speed, Bolt focuses on dishes that can be delivered without compromising on taste, freshness, or quality. It delivers food from more than 40,000 participating restaurants with a range of over 10 Lakh items to choose from, it added.