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Purabi Dairy aiming for Rs. 200 crores revenue in current fiscal

Priyanka Chakrabarty , October 26, 2022
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Purabi Dairy, a well know homegrown dairy brand is a product of the West Assam Milk Producers’ Co-operative Union (WAMUL).
WAMUL came into existence in 1976 as a milk union of Milk Producers' Co-operative of Nagaon, Morigaon, Goalpara, Nalbari, and Kamrup districts of Assam. The Union was set up under the Operation Flood Programme of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) for dairy development in Assam. Over time, it has gone on to create a symbiotic relationship between milk producers, techno professionals, the market, and consumers.

Business Northeast has got an opportunity to cover an exclusive interview with the Managing Director of WAMUL Satya Brata Bose.

WAMUL is an unbeatable leader in the Dairy market of the state. Kindly through light on your successful business model.

Satya Brata Bose: West Assam Milk Producers’ Cooperative Union Ltd. is a dairy cooperative structured around the Anand pattern of dairy cooperatives and the business model is based on organizing smallholder milk producers into village-level cooperatives through which milk is procured twice a day which is transported, processed and marketed by WAMUL.

The turnaround story of WAMUL began in 2008 when the management of WAMUL was given to the National Dairy Development Board. In the last decade, the growth of WAMUL has been inspiring as its farmer base has increased from few thousand to more than 30,000 farmers. At present, we are procuring an average of over 50,000 litres of milk per day which was a meager 500 litres per day a decade ago. Similarly, the sale of milk and products have grown many times and has now crossed 80,000 litres per day.

In fact, this growth is going to be more pronounced in coming years due to the structured interventions initiated in the State for making dairying a tool of development. WAMUL is already on its way to increasing its capacity and business to
1.5 lakh litres per day very soon. This will get the necessary impetus from the vision of the Government of Assam to achieve 10 lakh litres per day of milk handling by the organized cooperative dairy sector in the State of Assam and the creation of a Joint venture between the Government of Assam and National Dairy Development Board to spread and reinforce the development of cooperative dairying across Assam.

What is the strength of WAMUL?

Satya Brata Bose: The primary strength of WAMUL lies in a fair and transparent procurement system provided to the dairy farmers and professional management of operations by NDDB and while doing so, keeping the interest of the dairy farmers at the center.

There are 200 people employed in WAMUL. Along with this, there is an association of 25,000 farmers. By the end of this year, the number of farmers will increase to 30,000 farmers. This number is increasing every year.

Do you have any network outside Assam?

Satya Brata Bose: WAMUL is operating in Assam although we have business networks with the Cooperative Milk Unions in other states. Presently, the focus of WAMUL is on local markets. However, we do look forward to the international markets in subsequent years to come, especially in view of the proximity of many international markets to the North Eastern States.

Do you have such practices that help rural milk farmers to grow their businesses?

Satya Brata Bose: Definitely yes. Our main focus area has been not only procurement of milk but also providing input services like artificial insemination, feed, fodder, ration balancing, animal health, training, capacity building, etc. to our farmers to dairy farmers which has been increasing the business of the dairy farmers in a cost-effective manner. Moreover, over and above the milk procurement price, WAMUL is also paying an additional milk procurement price at the end of every financial year to eligible dairy farmers which helps in growing their business.

We would also like to highlight the manure management interventions taken by WAMUL with the support from NDDB which has provided multifarious benefits to the dairy farmers- fuel and fertilizer. This intervention will also be scaled up to ensure that farmers earn additional income from the sale of slurry and improved agriculture productivity by use of organic fertilizers from the manure

The milk procurement operations through dairy cooperatives is all about building long-lasting relationships with dairy farmers. As I mentioned earlier, the farmers are connected with the system primarily by providing a fair and transparent milk procurement, testing, and payment system. Further, the farmers are also part of decision-making by way of being part of the Management Committee of WAMUL.

Further modern Information and Communication Technologies are also being leveraged not only to provide services to the farmers but also to connect with the farmers. Milk procurement through Automated Milk Collection System Software developed by NDDB and input services through Information Network for Animal Productivity and Health developed by NDDB are a few of examples.

What kind of technological input is used to enhance milk production?

Satya Brata Bose: Scientific animal breeding and nutrition services have been the key technical inputs being arranged by WAMUL for the dairy farmers like doorstep Artificial Insemination (AI) services using semen from High Genetic Merit bulls, balanced ration, cattle feed, feed supplements, green and dry fodder, etc.

What is WAMUL's annual revenue?

Satya Brata Bose: The revenue generated by WAMUL during the Financial Year 2021-22 crossed Rs.150 crore and we look forward to touching Rs. 200 crores in the current year.

In the next five years, WAMUL would increase its depth and spread of operations and also aims to cater to the markets not only in Assam but also in the other neighbouring States.

Anything more you want to share with our readers?

Satya Brata Bose: Consume more of safe and hygienic packaged milk and milk products that will not only provide you with nutrition but also would ensure better livelihoods for dairy farmers. Also, a request to patronize and promote the local cooperative brand "Purabi" which will promote the cause of socio-economic development of dairy farmers of Assam.

ALSO READ : Assam’s WAMUL creating waves in National and International arena.