New Delhi: On Friday, the government sanctioned a Clean Plant Programme costing Rs 1,766 crore to enhance the quality of planting material for horticultural crops, with the objective of increasing exports and improving farmers' income.
The choice was made during a Cabinet gathering overseen by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. A significant choice has been made to enhance the earnings of farmers. According to Ashwini Vaishnaw, the Clean Plant Programme was approved by the Cabinet, as reported to the press by the Union Minister.
The plan, to be carried out by the Union Agriculture Ministry, seeks to tackle viral infections in horticultural crops that impact both productivity and quality, according to Vaishnaw. He stated that nine institutions will be transformed into clean plant centers under the program, and 75 nurseries will duplicate clean mother planting material. The minister stated that the initiative would enhance the efficiency and quality of horticultural crops while also encouraging farmers to diversify their crops, thus minimizing risks.
Vaishnaw observed that in the past decade, horticultural exports have surged to more than Rs 50,000 crore, offering farmers a lucrative source of revenue and supplying consumers with nutritious products. The Clean Plant Programme aims to improve India's competitiveness in the global horticulture market by addressing the low quality of produce that has been impacting exports and prices.