The Durga Puja celebrations have commenced in Guwahati, with the city coming alive with vibrant festivities. This year’s festival is marked by excitement among devotees, featuring elaborate and unique pandals, colorful lighting adorning the Puja grounds and surrounding roads, and a variety of food and jewelry stalls for visitors.
Each Durga Puja committee has allocated substantial budgets for their celebrations, creating a competitive atmosphere as they strive to outdo one another. Notable events include the Maha Ashtami and Maha Saptami, with numerous puja venues across Northeast India showcasing their creativity and spirit.
Among the prominent celebrations are the Geetanagar Sarbajanin Durga Puja, Latashil Durga Puja, and Ajanta Path Durga Puja. Sanjive Narain, a leading entrepreneur from Assam, shared his thoughts on the occasion: "While we celebrate Durga Puja, it is a significant loss for the Indian business community with the passing of the esteemed entrepreneur Ratan Tata this morning. Despite this, people are coming out to enjoy the celebrations, and the Ajanta Path Durga Puja is prepared to welcome devotees."
Committee members emphasized that the theme of each puja is a major attraction for visitors. They have arranged diverse food options, including popular brands like Domino's, KFC, Pizza Hut, and Rolls Mania, alongside local vendors, ensuring there is something for everyone.