New Delhi: To control the increasing costs of onions, the government will begin selling the vegetable at a discounted price of Rs 35 per kg through mobile vans and NCCF stores in Delhi-NCR starting Thursday. An official statement announced that the retail sale of onions will be initiated by Food and Consumer Affairs Minister Prahlad Joshi at Krishi Bhawan.
It was mentioned that the mobile vans will conduct sales at 38 sites, which include Krishi Bhawan, NCUI complex, Rajiv Chowk Metro Station, Patel Chowk Metro Station, and areas in Noida. The market intervention is focused on enhancing local supplies and controlling the increasing prices of the essential kitchen staple, which currently dominate at Rs 60 per kg in the capital city.
NCCF has kept a reserve supply of onions bought directly from farmers in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. The identical onion will be sold at a reduced price of Rs 35 per kg to shield consumers from high prices and stop middlemen from making excessive profits. NCCF stated that by interacting directly with farmers and providing discounted onions, they are helping to alleviate the effects of price changes on consumers.