Mumbai: Bharat Jain, who is recognised as the wealthiest beggar globally, has raised interesting points about the complex nature of begging as a profession.
While it is unusual for a beggar to accumulate significant wealth, it is not entirely unheard of for individuals to turn begging into a means of earning money beyond what one might typically associate with the practice.
Jain, despite facing financial constraints and lacking formal education, has managed to create a relatively comfortable life for himself and his family. His ability to generate a substantial income through begging, ranging from ₹60,000-75,000 per month, is certainly unusual.
Jain showcases his entrepreneurial spirit and resilience in the face of adversity. Begging is typically seen as a last resort for individuals facing extreme poverty or unfortunate circumstances. Encouraging a system where begging becomes a lucrative profession can perpetuate social inequalities and exploitation.
Jain begs in many Mumbai streets. Because of poverty, he was unable to obtain a formal education. He is married and has a family that includes his wife, two sons, a brother, and his father. His two children have completed their schooling. He hails from Mumbai and has a net worth of Rs 7.5 crore ($1 million).
Jain and his family live nicely in a 1BHK duplex residence in Parel. Their kids go to a convent school. Others in the family own and operate a stationery store. They repeatedly advise him not to beg, but Jain does not listen and continues with the begging work.
Bharat Jain, the wealthiest beggar globally as per media reports, sheds light on the multifaceted nature of begging as a profession.
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