New Delhi: Apple has lowered the prices of iPhones in India by Rs 3000-6,000 following the decrease in import duties on mobile phones by the government. As per Apple's rate list, the imported iPhone Pro model will now be priced Rs 5,100-6,000 lower.
Apple previously had iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max for sale, starting at Rs 1,34,900 and Rs 1,59,900 respectively. Indian consumers will now pay Rs 1,29,800 for the iPhone Pro model with 128 GB storage, representing a 3.7 pc price drop.
The cost of the basic model iPhone Pro Max with 256 GB storage has been reduced by approximately 10 percent to Rs 1,54,000 per unit from Rs 1,59,900.
The iPhones manufactured in India, such as 13, 14, and 15, have also witnessed a reduction in prices of Rs 300, while the cost of the iPhone SE will be slashed by Rs 2,300. The price of the basic iPhone SE has been reduced to Rs 47,600 from Rs 49,900. The price adjustments happen just one week after the government suggested decreasing import duty on mobile phones and chargers from 20 percent to 15 percent.